"Lay your head upon my worries,
Open your desires, lest they be my fears,
Vest your hopes within uncertainty,
Eventually I'll be there to dry your tears."
This is a short poem I made up in half a minute, and I find it pretty meaningful.
When you step into love, you carry the burden of the other person too.
You learn to accept who they are, eventhough their essence may clash with your values.
You pour your soul into something so intangible and fragile, the risk is unbearable.
And yet, for a moment so tender, you draw even.
Maybe it's just me, call me a cynic. I don't believe in love. I believe in responsibility, guilt and welfare, but never love.
Because it's an emotion. Because it's human. Too much has been invested into something so... what's the word... BOURGEOIS. INSIGNIFICANT. FALLIBLE.
Please. Love is simple biology. Chemicals in your brain. Neuroscience, chemistry.
I can take 'love' away from you as easily as I can give it to you.
Chocolates do the same thing. So do cigarettes, alcohol and crystal meth. No wonder people are addicted to these things.
So there.