Friday, August 24, 2012

I stomped the earth

I stomped the earth,
I screamed out loud.
I looked around,
Nobody did come.

I stomped the earth,
I seethed in rage.
I threw a fit,
None a battered eyelid.

I stomped the earth,
I climbed the stairs.
I reached the top,
Nobody cared.

I stomped the earth,
I tripped on a step.
I cried out in pain,
All in vain.

I stomped the earth,
But alas I couldn't.
For the feet that gave me strength,
At last they've wounded.

And when the dust cleared,
I see the stinging eyes,
Red with forlorn;
The burning noses,
Runny with disappointment.

I see the scratched skin,
Sore with abuse;
I see the parched throats,
Weary from thirst.

I stomped the earth,
But all I raised.
Was soil that hurt,
And blinding dust.

And for that, I want to stomp the earth,
For it gives me strength.
But I won't anymore,
A horrid cycle of addiction.

I'll stomp the earth,
One last time;
For memory's sake.
For retribution, fate.

But shall ne'er I stomp again,
For it hurts those
That has taken the liberty,
To stand around me.

For it hurts those,
That has taken the faith,
To wait for me.

For it hurts those,
That has taken the trust,
To befriend me.

For it hurts those,
And it blinds me.

For dirt stirred,
Does nothing but to choke and cloud your vision.

Never again.