Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Do You Believe in Religion?

I named this post 'Do You Believe in Religion?' as opposed to 'Do you believe in God/Afterlife/Human soul?' due to the fact that religion is the only close-to-spiritual thing we can believe in.

We cannot believe in God, nor can we dispel the notion that God exists. Hence, we cannot choose whether to trust the existence of a divine power. That would be the equivalent of assuming a random house on the street owns a TV. Sure, you have one, so do your grandparents, and your aunts and uncles, your brothers and sisters. But you'll never know the truth, until you walk through that door and look around.

So, my main question is, do you believe in religion? Not faith, as faith stems from belief, which I am trying to uncover in you upon your religion. But religion.

Do you have faith in your religion?

And if so, WHY?

This is probably gonna label me an atheist, but I just have to get this off my chest. Religion is man-made. Religious books, paraphernalia, statuettes, ceremonies, chants. All of these 'holy' stuff were shaped by the hands on men. Of men like you and me. Living breathing men.

What makes these... I dunno how to put it... trends, maybe? become so inculcated with religious fervor, that tens of millions of people hang on to every move, every word, every item? Doesn't that holy statue you just worshipped have the same status as the laptop I'm using, or the pen I just wrote with. They share a common theme. They were all made BY MEN, FOR MEN.

Religion obviously teaches a person to do good. The ten commandments is an example. However, is that it? A moral class?

Is religion nothing but an awful old wives tale meant to scare little kids, or in this case, whole societies, to be good? Hell, Satan, sins, redemption. Why? A merit system, more the like.

Sigh... suffice to say, I'm not a very religious person. I don't go to church, I don't say grace, I like Christmas because it's a holiday.

A friend of mine once asked me which division I am when i told him I am a Christian. I thought he was asking me where was my church located, so I answered "Probably SS2. I don't go there often". To him now, I'm probably a Satanist.

Haha, just exaggerating.

But yeah. Those are my views on religion, and if you don't agree, that's fine. To me, religion lies within yourself. And if you can make peace with who your are, and find your inner strength, then that should be your religion. As they say, your body is a temple.

Now, how about a little spa and massage for my temple?

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