Sunday, July 11, 2010


To expect is to anticipate, to look forward as due. To expect is to bank your hopes on the possibility of a future that proceeds to your will.

We all know circumstances can't be forcefully molded.

We all know that our actions are only a derivative of the present that accounts for cause, but is independent of outcome.

We all know that.

Then why do we place so much of ourselves into such a shoddy investment? Any money-savvy person; Heck, any money-scrimping middle-aged woman, will tell you, going into a deal without backup, diving headfirst into risk that may or may not end up devastating, but potentially non-beneficial, is just plain stupidity.

Then, why do we expect?

Why do you expect him to call you?
Why do you expect her to help you?
Why does she expect that her expectations will be fulfilled, even when all odds are stacked against her?

Hope? Faith? A belief in the propensity of others to do good, perhaps?


Fools, fools, fools.

The disgraced father, the disillusioned mother, the disenchanted child. Expectations. The belief that somebody will do good on your due; the anticipation that someone will live up to your sacrifice.

And when your hopes are dashed, your pride wilted, who bears the brunt of your dissatisfaction?

Will you turn your anger against your own folly;

Or will you direct the flames against the skin of one you 'expect' to be?

Think about it, fool.

Therein lies no disappointment with the relinquish of hope.

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