Monday, January 18, 2010

Lemme Tell You A Secret

Lemme spill some secrets.

Secrets that are not mine. Secrets that were, READ: FORCED, onto me.

Secrets that continue to haunt me, and their repercussions still ring within the hallowed halls of my consciousness.

Let me tell you.

He CHEATED on you. He cheated on you because he's a motherfucking bastard. He's a complete fake. A liar, contemptuous.

Yet it was ME you alienated. After YOU freakin' called me up almost every night to talk about HIM. About YOU. When all I wanted to tell you was that he's a disgusting scumbag undeserving to even adhere on the soles of your shoe.

When others knew, but they didn't tell. When I did. And you HATED me for it. For telling the truth.

That's what real friends are for. They tell each other the TRUTH.

Well, too bad for you then.

1 comment:

  1. Deja vu..

    I'd like to think of it in a way like.. they're stupid, and do not come to the same realizations I do, and therefore there are not worth it. Their loss..their loss..their losssss

    But of course sometimes it still sucks. ugh
