Saturday, March 6, 2010


You know who you are.

Everyone can rap, as can everyone who can speak, sing. It just depends how good you are at it.

The downside is, most rap songs suck. Even the so-called good ones. All you have to do is speak fast, maybe add some rhymes, and Voila! That's a rap!

And if you suck, you can probably call it your style.

Please. Some people are so full of themselves. Probably thinking, I'm the only fella in the world who can follow Jay Z's lyrics, or Kanye's verses, in all of their songs.

Ass. If another person were to do all those 'vocal trainings' you do, combined with the torturous effort of letting others suffer through it, THEY'LL probably turn out to be the next American Idol.

And there you are bragging.

What a douche.

Hey numbskull, ever wondered why most, if not all, successful chart-topping rap songs come with a catchy MELODIOUS TUNE-RICH CHORUS, ala Empire State of Mind, Run This Town and Do You Remember (Not pure rap, but with some elements in it)?

DUH. Who in their right frame of mind will sit and listen to an artiste mumble and grumble and tongue-slip their life for 4 minutes, maybe even 5? I'd rather listen to a self-help tape if I wanted to hear TALKING, and speed it up to hear RAPPING.

And ohyeah. Rappers write their own songs, and they create their own melodies. PLUS they sing it, and market it, and perform it. HENCE, Jay Z is JAY Z. Not you.

So please.

Inborn talent? More like lame ass hobby.

Get out of that big head of yours.

PS: You can't sing either. So just give up.
PPS: You can't channel talent by watching MTV all day.

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